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The Alamo

Right on downtown San Antonio, next to the federal courthouse you will find a particular building that has a lot of history for the Texas City. This building is known in modern times as the Alamo and was the site of a legendary battle during the Texas revolution. Nowadays it serves as a monument to that conflict and has even become a UNESCO heritage site due to its past. Here you will learn about the Alamo in San Antonio, TX and the meaning of it in modern times.

Origins-The area that would eventually be known as The Alamo was founded as a Spanish mission originally named San Antonio de Valero in 1716. Though it was originally the site where natives would be converted to Catholicism, it was repurposed by the Spanish government as a secularized area in 1793 and later abandoned. The former mission was then left to wither away as the locals in the area had no use for it.

Military installation- The first use of the area as a military installation was under rebel Mexican forces in the war of independence where it became a prison before becoming a hospital. It was later used as a military for the duration of the war and up to the beginning of the Texas revolution before again being abandoned by the Mexican forces under General Cos in 1835.

The Battle of the Alamo- On February 28, 1836 the Texas forces under the command of William Travis and James Bowie were stationed in the fort to await the impending fight against the Mexican forces led by Santa Ana. Despite warnings that the mission was not suited for a defensive area, the Texan forces awaited there and when the Mexican forces arrived they were demanded to surrender. The Texans refused and on March 22, 1836 a 13 day siege began which is the legendary battle that took place. On March 6, 1836 the battle ended with Mexican forces breaching the compound and massacring all Texan defenders, including William Travis, James Bowie, and Davy Crockett. Afterwards the battle became a symbol of martyrdom for the Texas rebels as it also became a major factor in winning the war.

Legacy-The Alamo would be used as a military outpost for the rest of the nineteenth century by various military forces before again being abandoned in 1871. It would take decades before The Alamo would be restored by the city of San Antonio which preparations were made in 1903. Soon the area was converted into a park and where the chapel still stands was turned into a museum. The area then became a UNESCO heritage site due to the importance of the battle and how it represents a symbol of liberty. A monument honoring the fallen had also been erected to honor those who gave their lives for an independent Texas and in it lists all who dies in the battle. The Alamo also serves as a major tourist destination due to its history and is one of the most visited locations in the world.

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